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“Hemmed in by God on all sides like Job he struggles;
And his pursuit means other things pursue him too.
Relentlessly the feeling-world his thinking juggles
Brings him closer to the conflict of his conscious view.
The torment thrust upon him from this dark abyss
Is Nature's dispatch to a partial consciousness:
She strives now to inform him of her wants and needs
And give him strength to follow on the path she leads.
How a man must carry on when he is forced to see
That the life he once conceived is not Reality!
He may feel his little world is being torn apart
But in fact it's being put together quite unseen;
And he's further than he knows from the inside of his heart
Or his notions of insanity and what they mean. "
A Mid-Life Perspective: Conversations With The Unconscious
"Yes, but," asked Manuel, slowly, "what is success?"
"... Horvendile looked grave, and yet whimsical, too. "Why, I have heard somewhere," says he, "that at its uttermost this success is but the strivings of an ape reft of his tail, and grown rusty at climbing, who yet feels himself to be a symbol and the frail representative of Omnipotence in a place that is not home."
Manuel: "How does the successful ape employ himself in these not quite friendly places?"
"He strives blunderingly from mystery to mystery, with pathetic makeshifts, not understanding anything, greedy in all desires, and honeycombed with poltroonery, and yet ready to give all, and to die fighting for that undemonstrable idea, about his being Heaven's vicar and heir."